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MR Group
Broker Mobile Office for Real Estate

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Internal audience – brokers Professionals in new developments sales. They are familiar with market specifics and customer interests. They work in agency with several developers, that can influence their attitude toward projects and quality of presentation. Brokers are interested in making presentation in the easiest way. External audience – customers These people are searching for the best, they understand importance of property purchase. Customers are ready to compare lots of alternatives and attend sales offices of different developers. Their expectation from meeting with broker – to get broad picture of project and not to be overloaded with information.

Objectives: Commercial To increase sales according to the plan for all projects in average up to 30% during 2018.   Effective To double conversion “demonstration – reservation” within a pilot project. Before that usual presentation had resulted in reservation for every twelfth meeting only. Functional To improve the presentation process: to make demonstration more vivid, collecting customer data and follow-up objections easier, to minimize service time, and to implement control and evaluation tools for brokers’ work.

Type: B2B

Language: English, Russian