Nov 06, 2018

2018 Effie Awards Argentina Winners Announced

The annual Effie Awards Argentina ceremony was held on November 6th in Buenos Aires.
The Grand Effie was awarded to Schneider and Young & Rubicam Argentina for their “Los hijos eligen” campaign.
The title of Agency of the Year was awarded to Young & Rubicam Argentina.
Click here to see the full list of winners.
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Original Nov 06, 2018 Argentina

2018 Effie Awards Argentina Winners Announced

The annual Effie Awards Argentina ceremony was held on November 6th in Buenos Aires.
The Grand Effie was awarded to Schneider and Young & Rubicam Argentina for their “Los hijos eligen” campaign.
The title of Agency of the Year was awarded to Young & Rubicam Argentina.
Click here to see the full list of winners.