Oct 30, 2019

2019 Effie Awards Panama Winners Announced

On October 30th at The Santa Maria Luxury Collection Hotel, over 200 people from the marketing and communication industry attended the 3rd edition of the Effie Awards Panama gala.

The jury awarded a Grand Effie, 4 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze Effie Awards in the following categories: Beverages – Alcohol, Carpe Diem, Financial Cards, Brand Experience, Sustained Success, and Small Budgets.

The Grand Effie was awarded to Banisi and its agency McCann Panamá for the campaign: "Siempre Fácil con E-Pago."

For more information, visit the Effie Panama website.
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Original Oct 30, 2019 Panama

2019 Effie Awards Panama Winners Announced

On October 30th at The Santa Maria Luxury Collection Hotel, over 200 people from the marketing and communication industry attended the 3rd edition of the Effie Awards Panama gala.

The jury awarded a Grand Effie, 4 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze Effie Awards in the following categories: Beverages – Alcohol, Carpe Diem, Financial Cards, Brand Experience, Sustained Success, and Small Budgets.

The Grand Effie was awarded to Banisi and its agency McCann Panamá for the campaign: "Siempre Fácil con E-Pago."

For more information, visit the Effie Panama website.