Nov 05, 2019

15 Trophies Awarded at 2019 Effie Awards Netherlands

On Tuesday the 5th of November, the 2019 Effie winner ceremony was held at one of the most prestigious venues in Amsterdam, hosted by the famous Winston Gerschtanowitz and supported by the talented pianist Iris Hond.
A total of 15 cases were awarded: eight Bronze, five Silver, and, for the first time, an advertiser won two Gold Effies in the same year. The two Gold Effies both went to TOTO!
Click here for a list of all winners.
Read Effie Cases
Effie is not only an award show, but also an educational resource. All cases can therefore be read on www.effie.nl/cases.
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Original Nov 05, 2019 Netherlands

15 Trophies Awarded at 2019 Effie Awards Netherlands

On Tuesday the 5th of November, the 2019 Effie winner ceremony was held at one of the most prestigious venues in Amsterdam, hosted by the famous Winston Gerschtanowitz and supported by the talented pianist Iris Hond.
A total of 15 cases were awarded: eight Bronze, five Silver, and, for the first time, an advertiser won two Gold Effies in the same year. The two Gold Effies both went to TOTO!
Click here for a list of all winners.
Read Effie Cases
Effie is not only an award show, but also an educational resource. All cases can therefore be read on www.effie.nl/cases.