Jul 28, 2020
United States

2020 Effie Awards US Winners & Finalists Announced

The 2020 Effie Awards United States winners and finalists have been announced.
In total, 146 winners were named the most effective marketing efforts of the year following two rounds of rigorous review by marketing leaders in 10 U.S. cities.
In addition to Product & Service categories, winners and finalists have been determined across a range of specialty categories and competitions, including Commerce & Shopper, Positive Change, Health, Media, and Sustained Success, as well as categories new to the competition this year like Marketing Disruptors, Brand Integration & Entertainment Partnerships, and Topical Marketing.
Award levels — Grand, Gold, Silver and Bronze — will be announced during the 2020 awards ceremony this Fall.
More information will be announced in late July.
2020 Winners & Finalists >
Original Jul 28, 2020 United States

2020 Effie Awards US Winners & Finalists Announced

The 2020 Effie Awards United States winners and finalists have been announced.
In total, 146 winners were named the most effective marketing efforts of the year following two rounds of rigorous review by marketing leaders in 10 U.S. cities.
In addition to Product & Service categories, winners and finalists have been determined across a range of specialty categories and competitions, including Commerce & Shopper, Positive Change, Health, Media, and Sustained Success, as well as categories new to the competition this year like Marketing Disruptors, Brand Integration & Entertainment Partnerships, and Topical Marketing.
Award levels — Grand, Gold, Silver and Bronze — will be announced during the 2020 awards ceremony this Fall.
More information will be announced in late July.
2020 Winners & Finalists >