Jan 14, 2014
United States

Round One Jury for the '14 North American Effie Awards Gathers in Toronto

The first round of judging for the 2014 North American Effie Awards continued today in Toronto. Held at St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre, the event was sponsored by Millward Brown.
The jury evaluated cases to help determine which will become finalists in this year’s competition. Comprised of a diverse group of senior industry professionals, the jury shared their thoughts on the challenges of making effective work.
“I think the greatest challenge in creating effective marketing is having the managerial courage to resist the temptation of simply playing with the "shiny new toys" in social media or new apps, simply because you ‘can.’ The trick is to utilize all the new cool ways of engaging with current and potential customers, in a smart, calculated (which means ‘measurable’) on-brand way,” said Christopher Day, Senior Director of Brand Marketing at Expedia Canada & Latin America.
“Applying consistent measurement of the objectives, and applying it across all elements of marketing programs, regardless of how new the medium, is the real challenge,” Day continued. “But it is the only true way of measuring the program as a business success.”
Fellow judge Simon Creet, Chief Creative Officer at The Hive, suggested that the basis for marketing effectiveness is reconsideration.
“I believe that work moves from good to effective when it forces consumers to reconsider. Reconsider their assessment of a brand. Reconsider the way they think about or interact with a category. Reconsider their own habits and assumptions,” Creet explained. “Most creative gets noticed and considered at best. Work that works incites reconsideration.”

This is the sixth Round One judging session for the 2014 North American Effie Awards.

Round One judging resumes in New York City later this week.
Original Jan 14, 2014 United States

Round One Jury for the '14 North American Effie Awards Gathers in Toronto

The first round of judging for the 2014 North American Effie Awards continued today in Toronto. Held at St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre, the event was sponsored by Millward Brown.
The jury evaluated cases to help determine which will become finalists in this year’s competition. Comprised of a diverse group of senior industry professionals, the jury shared their thoughts on the challenges of making effective work.
“I think the greatest challenge in creating effective marketing is having the managerial courage to resist the temptation of simply playing with the "shiny new toys" in social media or new apps, simply because you ‘can.’ The trick is to utilize all the new cool ways of engaging with current and potential customers, in a smart, calculated (which means ‘measurable’) on-brand way,” said Christopher Day, Senior Director of Brand Marketing at Expedia Canada & Latin America.
“Applying consistent measurement of the objectives, and applying it across all elements of marketing programs, regardless of how new the medium, is the real challenge,” Day continued. “But it is the only true way of measuring the program as a business success.”
Fellow judge Simon Creet, Chief Creative Officer at The Hive, suggested that the basis for marketing effectiveness is reconsideration.
“I believe that work moves from good to effective when it forces consumers to reconsider. Reconsider their assessment of a brand. Reconsider the way they think about or interact with a category. Reconsider their own habits and assumptions,” Creet explained. “Most creative gets noticed and considered at best. Work that works incites reconsideration.”

This is the sixth Round One judging session for the 2014 North American Effie Awards.

Round One judging resumes in New York City later this week.