The Kellogg Company
Etienne Patout, Dir.-Mktg.
Nicolas Amaya, Assoc. Dir.-Mktg.
Michael Sargeant, Assoc. Brand Mgr.-Mktg.
Brian Seel, Assoc. Mgr.-Mkt. Rsch.
Starcom MediaVest Group
Per Jacobson, Creative Dir.
Zachary Chester, Creative
Hillary Tandrow, Creative
Robert Ferdman, Acct. Dir.
Kimberly Wicken, Acct. Super.
Dave Kuta, Acct. Exec.
In late 2007, Kellogg's Pop-Tarts dollar sales dipped after 12 months of attack in Pillsbury Toaster Strudel's campaign. To regain and maintain its position, the brand had to strategically defend itself by going on the offense. The focus was on the brand's key differentiating feature, breadth of flavors. The campaign engaged kids with a real-time game of hide & seek in the fantasy "Crazy Good" world where they sought out the different flavors that were hiding. The result? The brand actually increased flavor requests and ultimately sales.