Meredith King, Promo. Mgr.
Jeanenne Diefendorf, Dir.-PR
Tiffany Kurtz, Sr. Acct. Dir.
Marlon Millhouse, Acct. Super.
Bruce Florine, VP-Genl. Mgr.
Max Lenderman, Exec. Creative Dir.
15 Letters
Mark Rattin, Pres.-Creative Director.
Bridgett Niekamp, Acct. Director
Brodeur Partners
Erica Birke, Sr. Vice President
Zocalo Group
Michael Stern, Director
Unique and ownable travel promotions are rare. To break through the clutter, Orbitz needed to find a way to hold true to its positioning of innovation while generating consumer engagement and buzz. Social networks were used because they bring people together. This campaign energized consumers to invite friends to join their virtual plane for a race to the finish. The first group to fill its plane won a trip for all 300 people. The promotion broke through the clutter within the first 24 hours with buzz and consumer excitement.