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Network in the metro

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The target audience included all Moscow Underground users, both Muscovites and visitors

Objectives: Marketing objectives: 1. Boosting customer satisfaction with network quality, while also closing the gap behind the rivals. Source: NPS Report 1Q2017 (gauging NPS, a measure of willingness to recommend operator, and NSAT, customer satisfaction index) according to LLC "Magram MR". 2. Boosting customer loyalty. Raising NPS by at least 1.5%, the average NPS growth being ca. 1.25%, between Q1 2016 and Q1 2017. While setting target KPIs we took into account the average growth rate of the indicators between Q1 2016 and Q1 2017. Source: NPS Reports 2016 and 2017, LLC "Magram MR". Communications objectives: 1. Creating awareness of the bettered MTS coverage in Moscow Underground. Those who saw the ads should be more aware of the mobile network improvements than those who did not; 2. Getting the network quality perception index growing and leaving rivals further behind, amid general network quality perception on the telecom market falling. Improving "Has better ne quality and coverage" and "Has better voice network coverage" indices, as gauged by BHT (Brand Health Tracking), conducting by LTD "GFK-Rus".

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian