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Listerine. Guarantee of cleanness with Elena Letuchaya

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: We had 2 main target audiences: 1) Men and women 25-45 years old, urban residents with an average+ income, with an active lifestyle, taking care of their health. They visit a dentist at least once a year, but do not use a mouthwash, believing that brushing teeth is enough. 2) Those who already buy mouthwashes, but forget to use them regularly, twice a day.

Objectives: Marketing objectives: 1) Attract new users to the mouthwashes category (growth of penetration based on GFK data). 2) Listerine Brand Power growth in the oral care category (based on BHT study, Millward brown). 3) Growth of Listerine trial purchase (based on BHT study, Millward brown). 4) Growth of Listerine regular usage (based on BHT study, Millward brown). Business objectives: 1) Listerine Sales growth +15% vs. last year. 2) Listerine value market share growth +3pp vs. previous year.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian