The Kellogg Company
Mark Baynes, VP - Morning Foods Division
Stan Jacot, Mktg. Dir.
Scott Hamric, Assoicate Mktg. Dir.
Teresa Lindsey-Houston, Associate Brand Manager
Jennifer Buell, Sr. Account Exec.
Mick McCabe, Planning Dir.
Gary Doyle, Group Creative Dir.
Ted Brown, Art Dir.
Justin Frosolone, Copywriter
Jim Reath, Account Dir.
Starcom MediaVest Group
The Golden Gophers have not played in the Rose Bowl for 35 years, they play in an off-campus, indoor stadium and were coming off six consecutive losing seasons. Our goal was to get people to attend Gopher football games despite the team's losing history. To avoid the backlash from over-promising Pasadena (home of the Rose Bowl), a statement made in previous marketing campaigns, we leveraged the opportunistic thought that, on or off the field anything can happen! We introduced Marge & Barb, two senior citizen, pigskin junkies who celebrated the essence of football-hard hitting, smash-mouthed defense, to promote the idea.