Rob Warren, Dir. of National Mktg.
Chris Parsons, Dir. of Brand mktg.
Brad Essig, Brand Manager
Ingrid Bekkers, Jr. Brand Manager
Jeff Mordos, Chief Operating Officer
Peter Sherman, Sr. VP- Sr. Account Dir.
Dan Kelleher, Creative Dir.
Lee Chapman, VP Strategic Planner
Due to its dark appearance and strong taste, Guinness has labored under the myth that its a heavy beer. Not only has this misperception prevented consideration from the light beer drinker, it has limited consumption against the occasional Guinness drinker as well. Thus, the marketing challenge was to release the important calorie news in a voice that reflected the lofty position of the brand. The highly successful "Washboard" OOH campaign not only met and surpassed the objectives of increasing overall volume, market share, ROS, and perception measures for the brand, but the calorie message has been incorporated in the highly acclaimed "Brilliant" TV campaign to establish awareness and continuity in the broadcast medium.