Slim-Fast Foods Company
Terry Olson, VP/GM - Brand Development
Ginnie Blake West, Brand Development Dir.
Barry Schwartzblatt, Dir. - CMI Beverages & Vitality
Lisa Trombone, Sr. Mgr. - CMI - Beverages & Vitality (Brand Development)
Donna Barker, Mktg. Dir.
Darren Kapelus, Sr. Partner - Executive Group Dir.
Jackie Leak, Sr. Partner - Creative Dir.
Debra Fried, Sr. Partner - Creative Dir.
Melissa Schulz, Sr. Partner - Account Dir.
Joseph Frydl, Partner - Planning Dir.
, Bindu Vaswani
Partner - Account Supervisor, Lindsey Randolph
Account Planner, Michael Nortman
Account Executive, Leland Candler
Assistant Account Executive, Shelly Chung
Senior Art Dir., Stephen Winston
Having lost over 50% of its franchise from '02 to '05 and 29% of its share of shelf, Slim-Fast wrote-off approximately $1B. Tasked with proving the brand's vitality to dieters, retailers and Unilever shareholders, the campaign, Tummies, broke free from weight loss cliches of yesteryear, championing healthy, realistic weight and weight loss. Increasing brand credibility by 400%, Tummiesre-engaged customers and inspired the key distributor to keep Slim-Fast on shelf. Consequently, Slim-Fast Optima became the best-selling new product of 2005; sales per SKU increased; and Slim-Fast stemmed a sales decline by $81.4M.