JetBlue Airways
Andrea Spiegel, SVP Mktg.
Tracy Sandford, Dir. of Mktg.
Kristen Lloyd, Advertising Mgr.
Tim Claydon, SVP - Sales and Mktg.
Rosemarie Ryan, Co-President
Ty Montague, Co-President
Pilar Cortizo, Planning Dir.
Sophie Kelly, Business Dir.
Peter Nicholson, Executive Creative Dir.
Jeremy Postaer, Executive Creative Dir.
Kristina Lenz, Account Dir.
Robert Rasmussen, Creative Dir.
Andrew Ault, Creative Dir.
Matthew George, Dir. of Communications Planning
Meghan Hoyt, Account Mgr.
Anthony Garetti, Executive Producer
Steven Walls, Planning Dir.
Nicolas Piris, Planning Dir.
Jon Dobbin, SVP - Account Dir.
As JetBlue continues to grow aggressively their key challenge is to get bigger without becoming JetBig__. The campaign needed to restore JetBlue's sense of momentum and leadership (internally and externally), support exponential growth, without a significant increase in budget, and all the while adhering to JetBlue's sense of value. The campaign, lead by the JetBlue Story Booth, not only supported record traffic at launch and reversed declines in momentum and leadership, it created an invaluable pool of re-useable brand assets that continue to be deployed internally and externally to date.