General Motors
Dave Smidebush , Dir. of Mktg.
David Kozaria, Advertising Mgr.
Scott McLaren, Advertising Mgr.
Matt Armstrong, Car Segment Mktg. Mgr.
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners *Lead Agency
Claudine Cheever, Group Dir. of Brand Stategy
Brian Dunbar, Group Account Dir.
Ted Florea, Senior Brand Strategist
Jennifer Fox, Account Dir.
Dan Goldstein, Dir. of Planning
GM Planworks
Lisa Ann Rocha , Media Dir.
Linus Paulius, Associate Media Dir.
The 2006 launch of the SKY roadster offered Saturn the chance to enter the sports car category and reenergize the Saturn brand - without abandoning the core values that had made Saturn great. A combination of refined targeting, innovative launch strategies and a powerful brand idea announced that Saturn had found a new path. The result was the fastest selling car of 2006 and a launch campaign that exceeded ambitious goals, brought new people into the Saturn fold and reinvigorated the brand. "Like always. Like never before."