Nintendo of America
Reggie Flis-Aime, Pres. & COO
George Harrison, Sr. VP-Mktg. & Corp. Comm.
Robert Matthews, Sr. Dir.-Consumer Mktg.
Michelle Mares, Advt. Mgr.
Jamie Kieffer, Exec. VP-Acct. Dir.
Robb Hittner, VP-Acct. Dir.
Mick McCabe, Sr. VP-Planning Dir.
Dan Funk, VP-Planning Dir.
Dominick Maiolo, Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir.
Bill Stone, Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir.
The video game industry built walls around itself, desperately keeping its most ardent users in, while inadvertently shutting casual and non-gamers out. Enter Wii: Nintendo's revolutionary product designed to make gaming accessible for everyone. Instead of embracing an obvious strategy, namely fawning over the prized teenage male gamer, Wii targeted his mom, dad and grandmother. While our competition catered to a narrow audience, Wii invited everyone to play. The result? Wiis have been sold out nationwide since launch and ignited a cultural phenomenon in how people experience video games.