Campbell Soup Company
Irene Britt, Genl. Mgr.-VP, Beverages, Sauces, Meal Prep.
Darren Serrao, VP-Beverages
Chris Foley, Dir.-V8 Beverage
Young & Rubicam New York *Lead Agency
James Caporimo, Group Exec. Creative Dir.
Rob Schnapp, Creative Dir.
John Bollinger, Creative Dir.
Deborah Pawlik, Sr. VP-Acct. Dir.
Laurie Newsome, Acct. Dir.
Caleb Lubarsky, Acct. Super.
Victoria Kaulback, Brand Planning Dir.
Weber Shandwick
Despite the booming health and wellness trend, V8 was failing to connect with consumers. The "Could've Had a V8" campaign revitalizes and redeploys a classic 1970s campaign, now rooting it in V8's point of difference: helping you get your daily vegetables. By tapping into the thought at the back of everyone's mind " I'm not getting my daily veggies" and connecting it to V8's "easy vegetables" promise, we break down consumers' excuses for not getting their vegetables. The campaign has far exceeded goals, driving powerful, consistent volume growth and unprecedented ROI.