E&J Gallo Winery
Peter Brennan, Sr. Mktg. Mgr.
Todd Grant, Exec. Creative Dir.
Jim Elliott, Creative Dir.-Copywriter
Todd Derksen, Assoc. Creative Dir.-Art Dir.
Steve Hawley, Acct. Super.
Ryan Cunningham, Media & Acct. Exec.
Carrie Vincent, Digital Planner
Karl Norsen, Web Developer
Peter Calandra, Print Producer
Western Neon (fabricator)
Jay Blazek, Designer
Maxwell PR
Carlo Rossi is stranded in a culture that would be mortified to be seen with jug wine. Its user base is dying out, ithasn't advertised for 30 years, and every jug takes up the shelf-space of two bottles of higher-margin Yellowtail, who outspent our $100,000 by 160:1. So we brought back the Jug for a new generation, who could share our vision of making something truly iconic and delightful together - turning jugs into grass-roots events, in-store, online, un-paid placement, PR and a re-invigorated salesforce.