Mayfield Dairy Farms
Alan Owen, Mktg. Mgr.
Bridgett Raper, PR Mgr.
Scottie Mayfield, Pres.
Rob Mayfield, VP
Roger Vaughn, Creative Dir.
Chris Jones, Art Dir.
Daphnelys Olivera, Production Artist
Angie Burton, Production Mgr.
Alice Ailey, Assoc. Dir.-Acct. Services
Alana Stephenson, Acct. Exec.
Amid a historic category decline and record-high pricing, Mayfield Dairy launched Nurture, a super-premium milk fortified with active probiotic cultures. Armed with clinical proof that these cultures boost the immune system, along with the insight that consumers consult their doctors about such health claims, Mayfield marketed directly to more than 2500 physicians and medical staff throughout the Southeast. This unique program, along with mass media, web, POP and sampling, helped grow Nurture sales to 12% of Mayfield's milk volume in just 9 months, offsetting Mayfield's losses in a volatile marketplace.