Nintendo of America
Reggie Fils-Aime, Pres.-COO
Cammie Dunaway, Exec. VP-Sales & Mktg.
Pierre-Paul Trpanier, Consumer Mktg. Dir.
Priscilla Alvarez, Advt. Mgr.
Dominick Maiolo, Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir.
PJ MacGregor, Sr. VP-Creative Dir.
Andrew Swinand, Pres.-Global Operations
David Brot, Acct. Dir.
Nickay Penado, Acct. Super.
Kelli Johnson, Planner
Starcom MediaVest Group
Harrison & Shriftman
Nintendo DS faced a sales plateau if it didn't broaden its loyal, but saturated base of hardcore gamers. It was clearly time to tap into a new but unlikely target - young women. However, their views on gaming were often that it wasn't relevant to their lives. Nintendo needed to prove that things had started to change. Gaming became playing, and women they admired were in on the fun. This approach produced a shift in attitudes and behaviors that translated to unprecedented sales.