Katty Pien, Brand Dir.
Dori Bailey, Consumer Comm. Dir.
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners *Lead Agency
Jeff Goodby, Co-Chrmn., Part.
John Thorpe, Dir.-Brand Strategy, Assoc. Part.
Christine Chen, Group Communication Strategist
Robert Riccardi, Mngng. Part.
Margaret Johnson, Group Creative Dir.
Jim Elliott, Group Creative Dir.
Leslie Barrett, Acct. Dir.
Erin Fromherz, Acct. Mgr.
Haagen-Dazs needed a big idea to reanimate the brand, in light of stalled sales and declining revenues. In 2008, Haagen-Dazs launched this campaign, recognizing the threat that disappearing honey bee populations would have on the brand's all-natural proposition. Haagen-Dazs raised awareness and money for bees through a fully integrated marketing and PR campaign. The results? Increased revenues and brand awareness, talk value and even an opportunity to testify on behalf of these unsung heroes in Congress.