Electronic Arts, Inc.
Phil Marineau - Director, Mktg.
Laura Miele - Group VP
Alonso Velasco - Advt. Manager
Epic Games
Kendall Boyd - Director, Mktg.
Andrew Walenga, Acct. Executive
Matt Kelley, Sr. Strategic Planner
Craig Allen, Art Director
Eric Kallman, Art Director/Copywriter
Eric Baldwin, Creative Director
Jason Bagley, Creative Director
Other Ocean Interactive
People can Fly
Realistic, military themed first-person shooter video games were popular but gamers were tiring of their formulaic approach. Enter Bulletstorm, the new over-the-top sci-fi shooter as far from authentic as it gets. To generate buzz and differentiate Bulletstorm in the category, we created a down loadable video game called Duty Calls that lampooned every cliche the genre was known for - positioning Bulletstorm as the antidote. Duty Calls was downloaded over 3 million times, related videos viewed 4.6 million times and 150 articles written about it on gaming and culture websites.