Jodi Allen - CMO
Martha Bass - Asst. Manager, Mktg. Comm.
Hillary Lowles - Interactive Mktg. Specialist
Jamie Piper - Director, Mktg. Comm.
Leo Burnett/Arc Worldwide *Lead Agency
Karla Flannery - SVP, Acct. Director
Shane Hutton - SVP, Creative Director
Katie Newman - Acct. Director
Kelli Johnson - Strategy Director
Christa Tanner - VP, Acct. Director
Lee Walters - VP, Creative Director
Mattress advertising was a real snooze fest... until one competitor with "space age" memory foam technology invaded the category and stole market share. Sealy desperately needed to make innerspring mattresses relevant again and reverse the sales decline. To change the conversation with consumers, Sealy introduced a campaign that supports ALL the things people do in bed beyond sleep. TV, digital and mobile touchpoints motivated people to actively seek out the brand, ultimately boosting web traffic, inspiring social conversations and reigniting sales.