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Lokomotiv FC
Fans against all odds

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The fan base of Lokomotiv football club was chosen as a target audience of the campaign, for this is the most beneficial social group in terms of material gain, brand popularization and motivation of the players. Another reason for this choice was high emotional involvement of consumers, which is the clue distinction of the sport brands comparing to product or service. Secondary audience of the campaign presents the whole mass of football community: those who are interested in football, but do not cheer for Lokomotiv.  

Objectives: Business: 20% increase in tickets sales of Lokomotiv games during 6 months after the campaign. Behavioral: increase in the attendance of Lokomotiv games by 20% (average enrollment of home matches of the club decreased by 32% during 10 seasons) (source: sports.ru, 2010: https://goo.gl/FLx1iP; Sport Express, 2017: https://goo.gl/K86xuR).  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian