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Live books

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Our target audience - family men and women aged 25-45 years, who are interested not only in arranging in their home comfortable and cozy environment, but also who are interested in their house getting a certain "face", style and character. They can't afford invite a designer to decorate their apartment. Not being designers themselves, they experience certain difficulties in the selection and mix of various pieces of furniture and interior solutions. They get inspired and look for solutions on the side, and then independently implement them in their apartment. They think that everyone knows about the IKEA range. They perceive the IKEA offer as a set of white or wooden racks, which everyone has, and which are recognizable in other apartments. They do not see in IKEA unique character, which they would like to impart to their own apartment.  

Objectives: Our aims were: To alter the perception of the IKEA brand as predictable, to strengthen the brand perception in terms of "the brand offers me something new", "offered variety of styles in IKEA is so great, that I will always find something for myself". To increase interest in the IKEA range, to increase the average number of visits to ikea.ru from 5.3 pages of the catalog to 6.5 pages. To increase the percentage of IKEA website (ikea.ru) visitors, who make the shopping list, from 3.8% on average to 4.5%). To provide additional inflow of customers to IKEA stores up to 7 million people during the campaign period.  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian