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Beru: from brand idea to the final product together with consumer.

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: We reach out to the wide e-com audience — 33 mln people*. These users have several stores in their “repertoire”, passively looking for their “store for life” that they would want to build “healthy” and trusting relationship with on a long-term basis. In response to these needs, we created a future brand platform and a key message - “You are in charge here”. * Source: Research on online shopper audience in Russia, GFK, September 2018; Rosstat

Objectives: We faced an ambitious task - to launch the product from scratch, placing the needs and desired shopping experience of our audience at its base. For this we needed to provide the following: Attract the attention of a wide audience and media, ensuring more effective multi-channel target coverage compared to competitors. Involve users in product creation and arrive at a proposition that fits the brand platform. Ensure the growth of key business indicators compared with the test (beta) period (11/18-12/18 compared with 06/18-10/18). See section 8, Table 2: “Objectives and Results” for more details

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian