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Le Petit Marseillais
Summer always fits your face

RAN IN: Russia




Audience: Target Audience of LPM: 20-35 y.o. women with medium income. They like everything that refers to the beauty category, shopping and strive to look perfect every day. They are ready to spend time, money and efforts taking care of facial skin. They are looking forward to new products launches and aware of the latest beauty trends. At the same time they need to clearly understand what they pay for and why. Therefore, when choosing products for facial skin care, they often rely on experts’, popular beauty bloggers’ opinions or follow friends’ recommendations [Source: TNS, 2018г.].

Objectives: Business objective: to reach at least 0.5% of market share in facial skin moisturizing and cleansing categories. Benchmark - market shares of brand-leaders’ leading ranges in the category. Marketing challenge: to build brand awareness, to form consumers' intent to try a new product. To build communication:          - LPM is a brand-expert in facial skin care          - New LPM facial care products have pleasant fragrances, work effectively, improving skin Target KPIs: 1.    Youtube reach 6.7 mln.people Instagram reach 0.8 mln.people 2.    VTR YouTube 20% Views (100%) 7% Engagement Rate 5% 3.    CPV (100%) 10 Rub. CPE 63 Rub.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian