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For maximum oral cleanliness

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Unlike the main competitor, we focused on a wider audience: men and women 25-45 years old live in big cities with average and above average income with an active lifestyle, caring for their health visit a dentist at least once a year. mouthwash non-users. They believe that brushing teeth is enough. Also, an important target audience were healthcare professionals - dentists, having a significant impact on the choice of oral care products.

Objectives: Grow market share not less than +2 pp. per year. Measurement tool: Nielsen retail audit data. Growth of category penetration to 35% by 2018, + 10 pp. vs. 2015. Measurement tool: GFK consumer panel. Build the image of Listerine as a mouthwashr for daily oral hygiene. Measurement tool: Brand Power study, Millward Brown. Become #1 in the recommendation of dentists. Measurement tool: GFK HCP Tracker.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian