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Dodo Pizza
The first nationwide advertising campaign

RAN IN: Russia




Audience: The Dodo Pizza’s target audience consists of different people from all over the country. These are energetic and active people, who always seek for impressions and emotions. They need to feel their relevance, love, recognition of friends and colleagues. Building relationships - is an important part of their life. However, the life of the majority of these people is pretty ordinary. Therefore, there is a strong need for a holiday, for something that will pull them out of the dullness of everyday life, will provide an opportunity to experience emotions and share it on social networks.

Objectives: Even with the highest number of pizzerias in the country, the Dodo Pizza brand awareness was very low. Thus, the main tasks were: - to build brand awareness (before the campaign TOM awareness was around 12%) - to increase the mobile app installations by 40%; - to increase the pizzeria’s average monthly revenue up to 3 million rubles.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian