Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
SAMO OŠINA, Direktor strateške poslovne enote Množični trg, Množični trg, Telekom Slovenije, d.d (Direktor strateške poslovne enote Množični trg)
TADEJ SMOGAVEC, Vodja poslovnega segmenta, Množični trg, Telekom Slovenije, d.d. (Segmentni vodja)
MATEJA ROZMAN, Segmentni marketing, Množični trg, Telekom Slovenije, d.d. (Vodja projekta)
MARTIN STARIHA, Client service director, Luna \TBWA (Direktor poslovno strateškega oddelka)
KATJA BLAZNIK, Vodja projekta, Luna \TBWA (Vodja projekta)
JANEZ RAKUŠČEK, Kreativni direktor, Luna \TBWA (Kreativni direktor)
MATT PENKO, Umetniški direktor, Luna \TBWA (Umetniški direktor)
MARUŠA HROVAT, Strateginja, Luna \TBWA (Strateginja)
ZALA SAJKO, Tekstopiska, Luna \TBWA (Tekstopiska)
Pristop Media d.o.o.
The Telekom Business Client Campaign was intended to promote the digitization of micro and small enterprises and offered Office 365 as a product. It presented the story of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are in fact the foundation of the Slovenian economy, as 77% of Slovenia work there. Therefore Telekom Slovenije offers to facilitate the daily work of entrepreneurs and small businesses, helping them to do business safely and effectively, as confirmed by consumers who rated the advertisement above average on virtually all items, and other goals were successfully achieved.